Tuesday, October 28, 2008

my first actual experience of "content is king"

When it was presented to us, the office was so excited at the idea of Bluetooth zones. Use them! Use them! Quick! Propose it to client! Include it in all project proposals!

When the excitement died down, we started asking the important questions - "But what for? What would we give away?" Good thing we questioned, because in the end, it's what your customer gets that matters.

Geeks like us get so enamored of the possibilites. But - as we've always known - it's down to how your media consumer will be enriched by your content.

Last Oct. 23, we finally got to try a Bluezone. And we were giving away the perfect thing - Amorsolo paintings.

Today we found out that from the usual 1% acceptance rate, there was a 61% acceptance rate of the Amorsolo mobile wallpapers. Astounding.
(&that's not counting the people who rejected by mistake, this could have gone up to 80% easily. Note to self: clear instructions on POS materials next time)

If your're worth it, people will let you in.

For people who couldn't make it to the Ayala Museum opening of the Amorsolo exhibit, you can get your own Amorsolo painting to hang on your website here.

Friday, October 24, 2008

bringing families (& their deceased lolos) closer

One of the smartest applications of the web I've seen.

Really, it's all about using tech to improve the human experience. So simple. So relevant. So useful. Whoever thought of this is brilliant.

what color glasses do you want?

One of the things I find really interesting about working on the web is how you get to design information. Sometimes, it's not new information that hooks people. It can be the way they discover it, the way they are lead through it or the way they interact with it. Through the web, new methods of interacting with information (file, products, people) are now possible and just waiting to be discovered. It's very exciting.

Take this one. Pretty and oh-so-smart. For sure there are a lot of applications, but for now, it just makes me giddy knowing I can choose the color of the world I see.

What color do you prefer?

where do deleted pictures go?

Some picture limbo maybe? Do the pixels scatter, grow beetle wings and fly? Haha.

Hopefully, a lot of them find their way to this lovely, lovely site.

In this business, it's easy to get jaded. But this side made me go "aaah". Uncontrived, sincere and sometimes beautiful.

Some random picks -